Sunday, September 29, 2013

Thank God Mike Came Home. This could have gone on for hours.

What a lovely Sunday. Picture perfect weather and I slept great. I’m glad for the change in mood. I’ve been feeling kind of bitchy all week. That’s not like me but I did just switch antidepressants, so I’ll have to keep that in check. Today I feel wonderful!

I woke up at 6:45 to dispatch for a few hours. It was quiet as usual for that time of day. I did talk to one guy who did a click to call and didn’t connect with the girl. A click to call is generated by one of the company’s many websites. For a lower price guys or girls (I’ll tell you that story another time) can click on a link and be connected to the girl of their choice rather than having to go through the dispatcher. Most times it works. On occasion, like every time I work weird hours when normal people are sleeping, it doesn’t work. Either the actress (yes, we are called actresses) fell asleep and the phone didn’t wake her or she rejected the call. It’s usually because they are asleep. That happened to this poor guy this morning. He absolutely had to talk to “Jane”. Well she rejected his call and then signed off. Maybe she was tired; maybe she didn’t want to talk to this guy. He calls a lot. I smoothed things over and he ended up satisfied with the outcome. Wink, wink.

Mike and one of my beautiful stepdaughters (they are all gorgeous) went to visit Mike’s dad in Boca. Normally I love to go. Today, not so much. I opted not to take the two hour drive. Instead I mowed the lawns. I’ll be working nights and sleeping days this week so today was the day. I don’t mind it. It gives me two hours of sunshine which is great for my vitamin D deficiency. Now you may be wondering why in hell a girl that lives in the Sunshine State has a vitamin D deficiency. Impossible, right? Not so. I don’t really go outside enough. I hide in the house. I should be showing off the lovely olive skin that I have instead of rocking this gothic porcelain that I was born with. I need my hammock back. It would do me good to get a couple hours of natural light per day. Vitamin D is good for the bones and for mood support. It has gotten to the time of the year when the weather is getting just right. Humidity has gone down a notch and the sun is starting to wan. Today there is a lovely breeze and the humidity is only around 97%. It’s perfect. In fact, I’m sitting on my back porch writing this.

I was sitting inside watching the Bucs’ game. That’s usually setting myself up for disappointment but they actually scored on a pick up from a fumble. It was some nice playing. Football is weird for me. I was raised a Patriots fan, married a Bucs fan and, now live with a Giant’s fan. Mike’s cool about my passion for the Bucs (oh, who am I kidding, Mike is cool about everything. I love that man. It wouldn’t be a post without me telling you that. I know it is nauseatingly sweet.) I don’t have to like his team. We usually watch my team. So, I was watching the game and drinking a beer. I know my mom just cringed and said to herself, “No, no, no, no! Tell me she didn’t get into the beer again.”  I get sick every time I hit the sauce. It lands me in bed for the entire next day. I have a plan this time. I figure I might as well be junk all day tomorrow so that I sleep all day and am nice and refreshed to work tomorrow night. Come on! It sounds good in theory. No? I’m only going to have a few beers and some herbal tea and I’ll be just fine. I’m serious. I’ll check in with you at 7am when I get up for my morning dispatching gig. I’ll let you know how this experiment turns out.

I probably will only have a few (not like last Sunday) because milk goes better with chocolate chip cheesecake brownies. Yum! They are chilling right now. My house smells amazing. They are one of Mike’s favorite treats so I figure I’d spoil him a little bit. He deserves it. He has been working his ass off lately. Last night he worked late and I was a little bitchy about it. I need him so much but I understand what he is doing for us. Anyway, he had just finished up a 74 hour week. That’s insane. 74 fucking hours cutting trees at all hours of the day and night. Mike is on call because he will answer his phone and show up. He is one hell of a worker and luckily his bosses get that. They are good to him. Or at least as good as they are allowed to be. They are trying to get him more money. He totally deserves it. Dude works his balls off! Again, I’m a lucky girl. The last one wouldn’t have worked unless I made him.

So, back to the brownies, they are chilling in the beer fridge and Mike just got home so I’m going to just end this now. No follow through. No other ending. I’ve got to go. Big Daddy is home and we have no kids here. Life is grand!

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