I have “liked” several pages
on Facebook that have to do with being bipolar in a way to keep me tuned in to what
is new with my disease. I have found these sites to be damaging as it seems
that they are all trashing the use of meds to maintain. I can’t imagine myself
without medication. No, not true; I know who I am when I am not on meds and I
am one hot mess. I don’t want to be like that. So, if it means being a good
little girl and buying into the big pharmaceutical companies I have to do it. I
can not be trusted without meds. I don’t mean that I am deceitful; I mean that
my moods cycle so rapidly that they get mixed and I just become pissed off. I
do pissed very well. I can be the most evil bitch. I think the most frightening
things and I start hearing voices. Yikes! It’s either that or I become super
manicky. This can be a mixed blessing. I have tons of energy, require little
sleep and hear voices. When I’m on meds I’m just sort of normal. I like normal
Wendy. She is a good person.
I like being on an even
keel. I like enjoying things in the moment. That’s why I need to unplug more. I
have set aside a couple of hours a day for just myself. I can sun myself and
exercise and take some time for me. I like the idea. From 11 till 1 will be
Wendy time. Yeah, I like that idea just fine.
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