Here we go on coffee number
two. It’s actually my second quadruple espresso today. I am so worn out. I
think working late nights is catching up with me. I normally work Sunday
through Thursday until 2 am. The last couple of weekends I have worked on
Friday and Saturday nights from 9 pm until 8 am as well because the weekend
dispatcher has been ill. I think I need a day off. I also need my meds
I have been a real bitch
lately. I mean, not all the time but later in the evening I will punch you in
the throat. I’m exhausted and cranky. I know part of it is the schedule I keep.
I know that an even bigger part of it is that my new anti-depressant isn’t
cutting it. A couple of months back the good Dr changed my meds in an attempt
to save me money. He said that this medication is better anyways because it is
not stimulating like the other one. No shit it isn’t stimulating; it’s putting me
to sleep. I don’t like it one bit so, I called to make an appointment to see
Dr. V. Unfortunately, he is booked solid. I can’t get in before my appointment
on the 27th. I have been put on the waiting list in hopes that
someone cancels. The thing about that is I will need notice so that I can have
access to a vehicle to get to his office. He won’t switch my meds unless I go
see him or Mike calls him. Time to pull out the big guns and have my man make
the call.
Mike and Dr. V have a good
relationship. It is one of mutual respect and trust. If Mike calls the good
doctor and tells him that I need to be put back on my old meds, chances are the
doctor will just call in a script and I will be good to go. Dr. V knows that if
Mike is calling him then Wendy is having a melt down. I’m not. I’m fine but I
don’t know for how long. For now supplementing my meds with herbs is working
but, I’m going to play my ace and have Mike call before things get out of hand.
I don’t need another trip to the looney bin although; it has been almost a year
since I last lost my mind. I wonder if the same people still work there. I
digress. I am not going there. I’m not even close to being there so, nobody
panic. Yes Mom, this means you. I joke about being hospitalized but it isn’t
funny. Ok, yeah, it is a little.
To meet me I don’t think you
would ever guess anything was wrong with me. I mean I’m quirky and all but, I
don’t appear unstable. I’ve met many fellow bi-polars and thought, “Thank dog I
have my shit together and am not like that.” I really do have my shit together
for the most part. I’m all about peace and love. I'm of above average intelligence. I’m all about good friends and
celebrations. I think the biggest thing that is wrong with me is that I don’t
have a normal job. I used to. I don’t anymore. Now I have a very strange career
that really doesn’t at all fit my personality. Ok, maybe it does.
I don’t really like people
much. I say that a lot. My job requires me to speak to strangers about the most
depraved shit on the planet. I don’t really like what I do and most often
exclaim, “Oh, fuck me!” when the phone rings but, the sound of the phone
ringing means money. So I enthusiastically dive into my job because it is my
job to be a fucking people person. I do everything with enthusiasm because that’s
the way I was raised.
Today I am having a hard time being enthusiastic about my job.
It figures too because I have been busy this morning. I’m happy about the
money, it’s just that I’m feeling rather introverted today. I would like
nothing more than to climb into my bed with a good book and just relax all day.
I could do that, having done my chores, my job search and my workout already. I
could just curl up with the phone and my Kindle. I’m not into talking and I
think that is because I am lost in another book.
I love free books. This week
I scored a few good ones. The book that I am reading now is the biography of an
Iranian girl who is born in the 40’s in Iran
and comes to the USA
as a young college student. It is fascinating from a cultural perspective. It is not a
very happy book but I couldn’t help myself from becoming immersed in this lady’s
world. The author does a wonderful job of making the reader feel like part of
her world not like an outsider looking in. It is called the Caspian Diary and
is written by J.M. Sandler. I highly recommend it.