Thursday, August 29, 2013

Mistress Claire and her Kindle

“We are not given a good life or a bad life. We are given a life. It’s up to us to make it good or bad.” ~ Ward Foley

My life is pretty good right now. It could be better, but it has been a lot worse. Life with Mike is great. I’ve never been so happy even in our current financial situation. I’m hoping to remedy that soon. I’m praying that I get called for the job that I went on the pre-interview for. If I don’t it’s because I am over qualified and they think I won’t stay long with the company. Not the case. I’m very loyal. So I’ll toss out some prayers and hope for the best. That’s all I can do, right?

I’ve been reading a lot lately. I mean a shitload. I have been consuming at least one novel a day for the last week or so. This is a good thing because it exercises my brain. It is a bad thing because I get sucked into other worlds and don’t want to come out. This makes me appear anti-social. Thankfully, Mike has had a cold so he hasn’t noticed, but I can feel it. I don’t want to interact with anyone. I just want to read. I’m addicted. Good thing I have a free source for material. It gives me a myriad of worlds to choose from. I like that I can curl up with my Kindle and just escape. The trouble is taking phone calls. I don’t really want to talk; so, I’m kind of sucking at my job lately. Not that the guys mind. I think that they like that I have a certain edge to me. Really I’m just pissed that my reading was interrupted. But, a ringing phone means I’m earning so I have to get it together and make my clients happy.

I’ve had some pretty bizarre calls lately. It seems that many straight men are really into other guys and they don’t think they are gay or bisexual. I don’t understand the concept. You’re bi, gay or straight. There are no grey areas there. However, guys that insist that they are straight keep calling and wanting to talk about their experiences with other guys. A couple of these dudes go to the dirty book store and go into the back rooms to service other men. I don’t think they are making this shit up. It fascinates me how they think nothing of taking on a group of total strangers. Not only is it icky, it is not safe. They do not use condoms. I wonder just how much of this is going on in the world. How could you not use caution? It worries me. Well, not really. I mean my guy certainly is not doing that so I have no fear of catching something. Mike can’t grasp the concept either. He’s all like, “Bullshit the guy is not straight. I don’t care if he is married.” I agree, but I have to play along. I have discussed the psychology of this with some guys and they just insist that they love women and that there is nothing at all wrong in what they are doing. I don’t know what to make of it other than to say that it is a lucrative business. I have one character that is devoted solely to that type of subject matter. That being sissy boys or boys that like boys. They are entertaining to say the least and they are all really nice guys. They love Mistress Claire (me) and only share their secrets with her. At least that’s what they tell me. I don’t care as long as the phone keeps ringing.


  1. I hear you Wendy ~ there is no in between ~ I had an experience with a guy a couple of years ago with the same identity crisis going on ~ I do not understand it either ~ too bad! I am wondering if his new wife knows about his preferences??!!!!??

    I am open minded but not THAT open minded! Different strokes for different folks!

    1. Wild isn't it? You wouldn't belive some of the topics I have to get into.

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