Monday, October 7, 2013

I damn near broke my neck

Hello. It’s been a while. I’ve been living upside down lately. I’ve been working all night and sleeping during the day. Twelve hour nights are a bitch. Now I’m on a more normal schedule. Well, sort of; I work from 7pm until 2am doing dispatching. I work my girls during the day. Dispatching is funny. People are a trip. Everyone wants something for free. We don’t give away free samples. Give me your credit card or I will hang up on you. I’m funny like that. It weeds out the jerks.

So, I came out of that one sleep deprived week virtually unscathed. I was afraid the hours would trigger a mood swing. I was lucky. It made me a little manicy but I can handle that. I actually have more energy. I did spend a lot of this weekend outside so that could be part of the energy deal. I’m working on getting more sunlight. Mike bought me a bikini this weekend. I’m rocking it pretty good. I feel good and I look good if I do say so myself. I have just one problem; I can’t seem to get into the hammock that Mike set up for me. I just flip out onto the ground. This morning I tried to get into the damn thing and it tossed me out on my ass. Unfortunately it tossed me onto the ground and I hit my head on the metal cross beam. I tried to get in it three times with no joy so I quit before I really got hurt. I need to get an old fashioned lounge chair. One that is low to the ground so that I don’t kill myself.

 I honestly thought I broke my neck this morning. Now I’m treating myself with a heating pad and a muscle relaxer. I can’t turn my head to the right. I’ve also had a sore spot in the middle of my upper back. I’ve had it for about a month now. I don’t know what is up with that. I guess if I had insurance I would go have it checked out but I don’t so I will live with it. Who can afford a doctor? The ACA is supposed to fix that but I hear it cost a lot. High premiums with high deductibles doesn’t sound affordable to me. I guess I’m one of those people that will end up paying the fine for not having signed up. Oh well, such is life. I’m sure I’m not alone in this situation. I personally think Obamacare is going to bankrupt the middle class. I don’t think it is affordable. I think it is just an attempt to enslave citizens. I don’t usually do politics so I’m going to shut up now.

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